
Is It True? Who would you be without your limiting belief?

 Who are you really? Someone your parents, friends or society say you are? Let’s go within and find what resonates with you and discover " your " truth.

Beliefs about ourselves can begin as soon as we arrive in this world, but are those beliefs actually true! Below are several of those beliefs that may be lurking in the background of your subconscious that affect the choices you make in life.


    I don’t deserve love. I am a bad person.

    I am terrible.

    I am worthless (inadequate). I am shameful.

    I am not lovable.

    I am not good enough.

    I am permanently damaged.. .

    I am stupid (not smart enough). I am insignificant (unimportant). I am a disappointment.

    I deserve to be miserable.

    I am different (don’t belong).


    I should have done something.

    I did something wrong.

    I should have known better.

    It’s all my fault.

    I never do things right

    I’m always late


    I cannot be trusted.

    I cannot trust myself.

    I cannot trust my judgment.

    I cannot trust anyone.

    I cannot protect myself.

    I am in danger.

    It’s not okay to feel (show) my emotions.

    I cannot stand up for myself.

    I cannot let it out.


    I am not in control.

    I am powerless (helpless). I am weak.

    I cannot get what I want. I am a failure (will fail).

    I cannot succeed.

    I have to be perfect (please everyone). I cannot stand it.

    I am inadequate.

    I cannot trust anyone.

There is a way to clear your limiting beliefs quickly without the need for many hours of talk therapy. Yes, it is possible!

Are you ready to discover the source of your physical, mental and emotional symptoms? Schedule a consultation to determine the right approach designed specifically for you.

Body, Mind and Emotional.

What if I tell you there is a place within…

a secret garden of self AND A quiet and beautiful sanctuary, one in which you are warmly invited to enter.

Within this sanctuary of self you will learn to listen to and honor those voices within your being that make up the very essence of who you are. You will discover the wisdom that lies within ~ an intimate place where you will learn to talk with and receive information from that part of your body that has been giving you problems. Or, we may retrace, reframe and release old patterns that have kept you stuck in a moment in time that needs to be resolved. All of this information awaits your inquiry. You will uncover a unique power and knowing within yourself. You will find that these abilities are nothing new. They have indeed been with you all along, just waiting patiently for you to listen.

 Slowly, with practice, as you learn to apply these tools of discovery and incorporate them into your daily routine, you will begin to see them manifest themselves and become a natural extension of your daily life.

Like anything worth pursuing, this takes time and patience. It is a learning process, a migration of sorts, over time transporting you from one place to perhaps a better, more comfortable one. A place of health and well-being where you learn the value of honoring your truest, highest self.

If you think about it, there is nothing magical or far­-fetched about looking within, about honoring what your body and your spirit are saying to you or about getting to know who you truly are from within-not the story of what someone else told you about yourself, but your unique authentic self. In this fast paced world where family, work, and the struggles of everyday life seem to take priority over self-care, this is merely the art of learning to take care of you. It is the place where we all must begin on this journey toward healing.

Then one day, in the midst of this world of chaos and confusion, you look up and you suddenly realize you are there~you are in that place of deep peace and knowing.



I can assist you with the supplements you may be taking and find your proper dosage or if what you are taking is compatible with you and working synergistically with other supplements and medicines you are taking. If you desire I can teach you how to do this for yourself. How cool would it be to stop wondering is this product tolerated or effective for my body just by asking and receiving the answer from your body’s wisdom? It’s easier to learn than you think~you’ve just never been told you can do this.



Timeline depends on you. Are you practiced at quieting yourself through meditation and contemplation? The work we do together is not one size fits all as you and your life’s experiences are unique to you.

 Request a Free Email Consultation

Please fill out the form and the questionnaire below. Once I evaluate your questionnaire I will contact you via email with some suggestions of the best route for you to pursue whether that is an in person session with me, zoom call or a remote resonant frequency treatment or if I can point you in the direction of someone in your area that can assist you I will do that. Sometimes it is as simple as locating someone in your area to structurally shift an imbalance within the body or guide you nutritionally.


Please fill out the questionnaire before email consultation~


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