Are you tired of hearing from your doctors or therapists…

  • “It’s all in your head.”

  • “It must be stress.”

  • “You’re just being emotional.”

  • “All of the tests show everything is normal”

…when you know your symptoms are real?

We are designed to heal!

Every symptom has a story, that story is QUITE often attached to a limiting belief.

Let me help guide you to the source of your symptoms.


I’m Joni Micals.

Clients have come to me for 32 years after they have exhausted seeing doctors and trying multiple medications or therapies.

Their issues are varied and no one seems to get to the bottom of their symptoms and so they are told it is all in their head or they are being too “emotional”.

I link the body/mind/spirit as one rather than separate parts of ourselves, especially when a client has an ongoing symptom that doesn’t resolve itself.

  • I spent many years, from my teens into my thirties, on the road as a performer/entertainer. It was an adventuresome but at times grueling life and when I returned home I was exhausted and overwhelmed emotionally, mentally and physically. And so began my journey into Holistic Healing.

  • Having a good support system and some time to rest and recuperate, I continued to learn and understand the world of complimentary and alternative medicine. I began to try different approaches on my journey of self-healing as my neurological and electrical systems had become a painful mess and I was experiencing what I describe as lightning strikes in my brain, or live wires that were sparking, bringing me to my knees on a regular basis.

  • After trying many different approaches for many years, I eventually discovered what worked. I learned over a period of time to quiet myself and listen to my body. When I began to dial in to my intuitive voice, I began to understand and then to address all the connections and root causes of my illness. I trusted my sense of intuition, my knowing, believing my body would let me know what it needs, if I would listen and trust the message of my innate wisdom.

  • I have spent the past 32 years studying just about everything there is to study in the world of alternative health care. I have a degree as a Doctor of Naturopathy, Myotherapy and Neuromuscular Massage, Reflexology, and a certification in NLP and I am a certified “Clear Your Beliefs” Coach. I have spent many years guiding others in learning to listen to and honor those voices within their being that make up the very essence of who they are. Being a teacher whose understanding of how the body, mind and spirit work harmoniously together is something I love sharing with and teaching people that are ready to do their own inner work and get to the source of their current health and /or emotional issues.

 Here is an example of a client I worked with that brought a delightful “that’s how this works” moment.

A lovely lady limped into my office due to an injury she received to her left leg when she was a teenager. I positioned her on the Betar Table (also known as the Sound Table) and inquired further into the story of her fall. As her story unfolded, I placed my hands around the area on her left leg as she described the day that she was injured. . As she continued her story, she told of how she had gone to her mom to report that she had fallen and hurt herself. Her mom was busy as usual and waved her off saying “it’s not that bad, you’ll be alright” but she felt ignored. Recalling this memory, she began to cry, not from the physical pain of the fall, but rather from the emotional toll that was still stored up inside because she felt that her mom did not care about her. As she released those pent-up emotions, we both felt the leg gently moving and subtly vibrating in a very noticeable way. She began giggling and then laughing as she felt the movement. Once she stood, even though the leg was still sore, the limp was gone. She thought it was perhaps some "woo woo magic" that had just happened and that the limp would return. It hasn't and it’s been 13 years. She may not fully understand what happened in that session, but she is grateful to be rid of her limp.


The memories that are held in place within our body from birth until present day are powerful and have a message that, if not paid attention to, can and will try to get our attention via different symptoms until they are resolved.


I am not a fixer, but a facilitator.

I can help you discover your own knowing and healing from within capabilities.

Did you know that you can have a conversation with your body/mind/subconscious mind and find out when and where you started going sideways with your physical, mental and/or emotional health.

It would be my honor to help facilitate you on your journey of discovery.

 My ideal clients are the people that have an understanding our body is constantly communicating with us or those who are ready and willing to explore the possibilities.

  • Physically:

    Your body is in communication with you at all times . Every moment of every day your body is sending you signals…like thirst, hunger, fatigue or pain. If the signals are being ignored you may experience different symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, back pain, anxiety etc.

  • Spiritually:

    Have you ever questioned “why am I here, what is my purpose in life?” Carl Jung suggests that when a person enters the world they represent a question to which their life has to provide an answer. In your stillness you will discover the answer is within you.

  • Emotionally:

    What is your emotional story? Is it one of joy or sadness, of anger or peace? Do you suppress your emotions or avoid emotional situations or have difficulty controlling your emotions? When, where and how old were you when the story behind your emotions began?

  • Mentally:

    OVERTHINKING. As I write this my brain is busy ….what are the right words to use? How do I phrase this so it is clear? No, that doesn’t sound right. What I mean is…… so, you see what I mean? How often do you do this in your daily life, overriding the messages your body is sending from within?